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Friday, June 20, 2008

What A Day

I played a lot yesterday and just before Mamee came to get me around 4pm, my caregivers gave me a bath. They told Mamee I was sweating so much that they had to bathe me. Usually in the morning and evening Mamee would be the one to bathe me at home. This morning Mamee added my toileteries in my daycare bag just in case I need a bath again. I think from now onwards Mamee doesnt mind them bathing me. I guess no more buffalo bath for me. Sometimes I see that Mamee is in a hurry to catch on time. She either cooks or bathe me first when we reach home. That is, of course, if Dadee's not free to help out with the cooking.

We didn't go home immediately yesterday. I was wondering why my parents picked me up early. When we reached the hospital, I got scared. I don't want another injection. But luckily we were there to visit Auntie Aai who was about to be discharged from the hospital. She had high blood Mamee said and she's fine now. Her baby's fine too but Auntie will have to eat up and healthily because currently her baby is just 1.3kg.

We went to 1Borneo for dinner. I dosed off in my baby carrier and woke up when everybody finished dinner. I only had dinner at home. Mamee served me with delicious Cheezy Rice - yummy!!!

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