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Monday, June 9, 2008

Long Week

It's been a long week. I had the chicken pox and Mamee has been with me all through the week 24-7. Nevertheless, being poxed for a few days didn't affect my active self. I don't look and act sick though I was cranky the first few days when I had a fever.

I am at daycare already today and my chicken pox weren't that much. Mamee said it's good that I have it now. I have built my immunity for chicken pox and I'm glad the itchiness is gone. It's the season to be poxed anyway.

Yesterday I had a little accident in the morning. Mamee forgot to block the sliding door to the balcony and I kind of trip because of the split level. I fell on my forehead together with my walker. I cried and Mamee rushed to carry me up. Mamee panicked and carried me up. I'm scarred. I have a little cross on my forehead and that's due to the tiles' shape. Luckily nothing's damage. After that little mishap, I went back near to the sliding door but this time it's been blocked. Mamee scolded me but I couldn't be bothered. The cross on my slowly fade and now it's just two little vertical lines on my forehead.

What a week it has been. First chicken pox and then my little accident. Mamee hates my walker now. She knew that walkers can cause accidents but she took it for granted. I guess when I'm in my walker, I get carried away with the freedom I have to walk dependently. Mamee can't wait till I can walk on my own but that's another phase in another post!

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