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Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's Sunday!

Remember yesterday when I didn't take my afternoon nap? Well, I had my nap late in the evening and woke up after 6pm. I was so moody. Mamee offered me her hot dog and I rejected it. I almost wanted to have a bite but I remembered I was in a moody mode. So there I started me wanting to go down to watch Mickey Mouse and Mamee took me down. She fixed me dinner: rice with steamed fish and spinach soup. Yummy! Now that's the way to my heart is through good food. Nutritious! Speaking about heart. Just 2 days ago Mamee taught me where my heart was and how it sounded. Did you know that our heart is the size of our fist? My Mamee taught me that. Today I showed off to Dadee and he was impressed. 

This morning I had Koko Krunch for breakfast and that took Mamee ages to figure out what I wanted. Of course I had my daily dose of Vitagen. Looks my parents will have to buy more. There's 1 more left in the refridgerator. It's almost 1pm and I'm still wide awake. I just had lunch and boy, ABC pasta cannot be rejected. My lunch was yummy and Mamee cooked it together with chicken and spinach. Another nutritious meal for the day.

All gone!

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