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Sunday, January 20, 2008

I'm Anti-social

Last Saturday my parents took me to a birthday party. It was at night and it was bedtime for me and I was dragged along to the party. It was Mamee's boss's son's 21st birthday. It was drizzling and we had to use the umbrella to walk over to the house. I was a bit drowsy. Well, I was sleeping and I planned to continue but the darkness caught my attention. I have never slept in total darkness before. As we were nearing the house, it was bright and now I can see everyone. They were all looking at me. One old lady carried me instantly the moment Mamee and Dadee reached the house. Oh how I cried and cried. I just wanted to be with Mamee and Dadee. In the house more ladies wanted to carry me. I cried and cried again and my tears filled my little face. My nostrils were filled with flu and I screamed and screamed. I was so being anti-social. It's not the usual me and I guess I was just too sleepy! The cake was funny. It was the shape of a key. It was pink and the birthday boy wasn't bothered by it. Hehehe.
Look at me cry!

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