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Monday, July 14, 2008

I Learned Something New

I can slip myself down to the floor now from the bed. Of course, most of the times I am under adult supervision because I can't really adjust myself yet. I easily fall down when I don't go down the correct way. It's fun and I love to be on the floor. I can stand better on the floor than standing on the bed. The bed is wobbly and I always have to hang on to my playpen for support. I have a love for lifting my legs. I love to lift my leg up everyday. My Mamee sees this this as a sign for ballet school but my Dadee thinks it's got to be Taekwondo! I copied Mamee actually. She does it once in awhile when she thinks she haven't toned up.

I love crawling on the floor. I am so free! Now my Mamee and Dadee mops the floor frequently. It's the dust they say. I'm learning to walk too but I get lazy half way. Hehehe. When I can walk confidently, I think I'll make my parents really worried. They saw how I can walk with my walker and I wonder if they'll run after me when I walk without my walker?

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